The Northern Slayer Read online

Page 10

  “Bloody hell man, I can see why he done that but at the same time I can see how selfish it was. You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to mate.”

  “Mark, As much as I resented him, as much as I hated watching him kill himself mentally and physically every single day he was still my dad. I knew he loved me, same with my mum, just they didn’t show it as much when I was younger. It changed as I got older, but the drinking never stopped. My mother’s so called family hated him, especially one brother in general who went under the name of Ben, he was a real bastard. When I was a kid, he used to come round my family home; he too had a drink issue, no reasons, nothing wrong with him, just a waste of space alcoholic dole basher. At first he wormed himself into our home, my mother and father being pushovers would let him in, to so call keep the peace, Idiots they were. I remember how he’d be all drunk, smelt of cheap booze and stale fags. He’d sit there, act on like rocky balboa, like he was some kind of gangster, in reality he was a no body. He’d say do you know what they call me? They call me fucking Ben! The sado had his name tattooed to his neck. He pointed to it over and over again whilst drunk like some kind of self-centred broken record. What a waste of space.”

  “That’s hard man, they shouldn’t have allowed him into the house in that condition especially with children present and that uncle of yours should have known better, you were his nephew!”

  “You’ve not heard the worst of it, that’s just a fraction of the iceberg, shortly after the, they call me Ben, he’d start producing white froth in the corner of his mouth like some kind of animal. Every time that happened, I knew he was about to kick off. On the first of many occasions that I witnessed, I remember seeing my WANKER of an uncle run at my disabled father, he pushed him off the sofa, placed his top over his head so he couldn’t see, then wrap his hands up in the top also to make him completely defenceless. There he’d beat the high heavens out of him for nothing; he attacked an unarmed, physically unable human in front of his own children, this was my mother’s brother, my mother couldn’t do a thing as he was a lot stronger than her. It was horrible to witness, sad thing is they kept letting him in the house after that and he done this regularly. Which makes it their own stupid fault in a sense, by letting him into the household time after time, not exactly fair making a child grow up witnessing this is it?”

  “No, no its not.”

  “After he was satisfied, beating a disabled man to a pulp, he’d just casually walk out of the house saying they call me Ben, thinking he was some kind of hard man. In reality he was nothing but SCUM! Police were called on many occasions after this one; they just warned him time after time, he never did get arrested for his actions. The torment went on for years, every two weeks when he got his dole pay. He’d come round our home at eleven pm kicking the door, swearing, calling us racist slurs even though we came from the same race… He’d urinate on our door/step, climb into the back garden via the washhouse on the side of the building. He’d bang on the windows and torment my disabled father, he tormented all of us. My father turned to drink even more as a result, not only was he disabled but now an ongoing victim. He would never admit to it, but I had eyes, I weren’t blind. I remember the last beating he received from the so called hard man, Ben. He barged into the house as I came in from the takeaway store from across the road, he must have been hiding on the side of the house. He got in and attacked my father for no reason once again… I felt responsible for that. It was my fault he got in. He tied my disabled father up again, blinded him with his top and hit him repeatedly in the face as hard as he could. It was my fault; he got in because of me. Still only a child at the time, I ran upstairs into my bedroom, I grabbed a hold of my mallet, one I used the day previously for pitching my army style tent in the backyard. I rushed half way down the stairs, This Ben now turned his attention to me, saying who the fuck are you looking at, I threw that mallet as hard as I could at the Cretan. Unfortunately it missed him by mere centimetres. It would have taken his face off, which was what I wanted it to do. He went for me, but my mother spotted this and manged to push her dim-witted brother out of the house and locked the door. He just strolled down the street afterwards, happy as Larry, singing, smiling, like he just won the lottery. I saw him doing this from my bedroom window; it faced the front of the house. That was the last time he done what he done. From that moment onwards I promised myself, if anyone laid another finger on my dad again, I’d kill them! It wouldn’t have mattered if we had a fallen out or anything, if anyone was to hurt him again especially Ben I’d kill them. I promised myself I’d never forget what he done; I’d get him back one day. Unfortunately Flesh eaters have rose before I had my chance, hopefully I’ll find his deceased corps walking about, maybe I’ll tie him up and give him the same treatment he gave my father. To think, Ben was actually one of the nice ones, from a long list of my mother’s brothers. Some done much worse things to me, but that was me not my dad or mothers fault. But that is the reason why I must go back, he’s my dad and I made a promise. He will be in that house, he can’t leave. Whether or not his alive or dead I need to get to him, I can’t leave him. That’s why I’m grateful for this Mark, your helping me fulfil a promise.”

  Mark stands there in dismay, battling his own former conscious. Will he? Can he? Betray him?

  “I’m sorry if I’ve went on Mark, once the truth comes spilling out it can’t be stopped. I’m sorry if I gave you a little too much information.”

  Mark still silent, lost in battle.

  “Are you okay? I’m sorry for putting this onto you! If you want to do this a different time I understand?”

  He replies, “Sorry that really got to me for a second, if he was the nice one I dare not think of the bad ones!”

  “Some stuff is best unsaid!”

  “Message received Martin.”

  “Are you still okay heading out?”

  “I’ve got no choice now after everything, life or death is on the line and I chose life no matter what; it’s how it has to be!”

  Chapter: 27

  “Peter, Jill, get up!”

  “What is it?” Jill grumpily snares.

  “It’s Martin and Mark they’re gone!”

  I threw my bag aside, I scream, “Shit, we need to find them and fast, Martins in danger!”

  “What do you mean? I haven’t even told you about the note or where they’ve went yet.”

  “What note?”

  “Martin stated he had gone to the airfield and that he was with Mark. He also said by the time we find this note he’d be just about landing on the grounds with his family. He went on to say don’t worry and that he’ll see us soon.”

  “Fuck!” I shouted.

  “Oh no……”

  “Am I missing something here?”

  “It’s too late Peter…”

  “They’ve already gone; all we can do is hope!”

  “I know this is a big thing. Obviously dangerous, but he’s made his own decision. Who knows, maybe they’ve just flown there. Martin see’s the devastation and decides to head back. He’s a smart guy; he’ll know what a suicide mission looks like.”

  “You don’t understand David.”

  “What are you talking about Peter?”

  “Just tell him.”

  “Tell me what?”

  I couldn’t I couldn’t do it, I felt as if I failed. I should have kicked that prick out last night, I should have let the flesh eaters have him.

  “Peter?” Jill huffs.

  “Jill he isn’t saying boo, you might as well just tell me what I’m missing?”

  “Just don’t kick off!”

  “I will if you don’t spit it out already!”

  “First off you can’t blame Peter, it’s my fault. I lied for Mark…”

  “Lied about what?”

  “It wasn’t just me and him at my apartment, there was a third named Toni she was my friend, she was the one who introduced him to me. When we were making a break for it, out of th
e complex that is, Toni tripped and twisted her ankle…She cried out to Mark, I was already way ahead at the buildings door, keeping it open as well as an eye out. He…”

  “He fucking left her didn’t he, just how he left you at the car? I knew it! I knew there was summit not right about him. I said I didn’t trust him. I take it Peter knew? Why the hell didn’t one of you tell me? That bastard might leave Martin stranded in a city invested with flesh eaters. Fuck!”

  “He did…I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.. He begged me not to say anything and that he had no choice…”

  “So what changed?”

  “I…I overheard a conversation, Martin approached Mark last night making the proposal of potentially taking a helicopter or plane from the nearby airfield, he wanted to head to Sunderland. Mark knew I was pissed with him after the car situation and Toni… I thought he may take advantage of Martin, have him get to the place then leave him the moment danger came sniffing. So I came back in and told Peter everything as I was concerned for Martin.”

  “It’s true, I only found out last night…”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Because I knew what you would have done!”

  “I would have kept us safe; we don’t need people like that in here!”

  “I approached him last night when he was on guard… I confronted him, He knew I knew. I warned him off Martin, he agreed after asking me not to tell the other’s, he promised it was a mistake. I fucked up…I should have thrown his arse over the fence.”

  “This is your fault Jill! A, you should have told us from the off stead. B, you should have told Martin what he was like before anyone else last night!”

  “It’s not her fault, it’s mine. I shouldn’t have confronted him; I should have gone to Martin and warned him then you. Then we could have dealt with the situation.”

  “It bloody well is, Jill? You covered a murder! What else are you covering?”

  “A murder…?”

  “He left her to die… He could have saved her, helped her. But no he used her as bait, he killed that woman. Just how he tried to use you as bait, he manipulated you and you manipulated us!”

  Jill completely froze with shame, cries out, “I’m so sorry!”

  “David, ease off.”

  “Shut up Peter. That bastard knew you were onto him and knew it was only a matter of time before I found out. His woken up Martin in the middle of the night, tuck advantage of him by probably using him to get to the helicopter. He’s a bloody coward; his used him I know he has!”

  “I know!” I blared.

  “His probably left Martin as bait somewhere, maybe his abandoned him in Sunderland, before fucking off as far away from here as he can with a full tank of fuel at his disposal.”

  “I hope Martin is okay, where ever he may be.” Jill splutters.

  “I can’t believe this, next time don’t ever keep a thing from me, which goes for the both of you!”

  “We won’t” Jill snaps.

  “Was there any weapons taken?”

  “Hell no, no guns have gotten past me, less from the one beneath your pillow Peter, don’t leave it on show like that!”

  “What about blunt weapons?”

  “I don’t know, I didn’t do a stock check on them but I will in the future! Knowing Martin he would have taken something to defend himself with. Not that it matter’s he’s probably dead now!” Blares David.

  “Don’t say that man.”

  “Why not Peter, we are all thinking it. We know it’s true. Say they got to Sunderland, There’s no way Martin would survive out there without proper weapons or transport. He’s fucked.”

  “I can go looking for him, I’ll go to Sunderland. It’s my fault!”

  “Don’t be silly Jill, its suicide!” I snapped.

  “Damn it! This is on you Jill, this is on you!”

  Chapter: 28

  “That was a close call back there! You really did save my arse; thanks to you we have this helicopter in the air with a full tank of fuel with spare in the back.”

  “No, thank you. Because of you I get to find out what happened to my dad and everyone else, who knows he could still be alive!”

  “I’m just glad I can be a part of your journey, but seriously thanks for taking care of the flesh eater that crept up on me, you’re a true bad arse!”

  “I promised I’d have your back, in forty minutes time I’ll know for definite what happened to my dad! I just hope he’s still alive!”

  “Me too!”

  “Thanks Mark, if this works I’ll …”

  “Please, this is on me you owe me nothing.”


  “Not to be a party popper but what if there’s a tone of those things in the surrounding area?”

  “Then I’ll take care of them, nothing is going to get in my way!”

  “As much as I’d love to help you, I think its best I stay behind and protect our ride, worse come to worse I could just do circles about ten mins away from pick up if the area is covered with those things, taking away any unwanted attention from the drop off/pick up site. If its quiet ill just stay back and keep an eye out, I’m positive that a guy like you can about handle anything thrown at you… You’re strong, you’ll be okay.”

  “Whatever works, you’ve done more than I could ask for already… Your right I can and I will, especially when it comes to family.”

  “So Mark, how are you holding up? You look slightly pale is there something on your mind or are you just feeling a bit peachy?”

  “I’m fine, must just be the lighting in here.”

  “I don’t mean to be a dick, especially after what you’ve done already but you’ll wait right?”

  Mark, replies after a nerves gulp, “Of course, I wouldn’t leave you, I can’t believe your even asking that after everything, I put my life on the line for you. Don’t forget, it was you who approached me, I didn’t have to say yes!”

  “I was joking, it’s just me and my dry sense of humour and I didn’t mean anything behind it.”

  “It didn’t sound like a joke, if you like I can turn this around and head back if you want?”

  “No please, look I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said what I said, I didn’t mean it, please Mark take me to Sunderland as promised, Please I’m begging you here!”

  “Okay, just after all the grief I’ve had already I just don’t need anymore. Look I’m sorry for snapping. Let’s just get you to your dad okay.”

  “Thanks Mark, I appreciate it!”

  Chapter: 29

  “I’m really sorry about before Peter; I should have come clean to everyone from the very beginning!”

  “What’s done is done Jill, you just did what you thought was right. I’m just as much to blame for not dealing with the situation better.”

  “Do you think Martin will be okay?”

  “Do you?”

  “I…I hope so.”

  “Me too.”

  “Are you and David absolutely sure about having me guard this place? I mean shouldn’t it be me heading out to this airfield considering everything, after all I feel responsible. If I had just put a stop to him from the beginning maybe…”

  “Jill seriously stop it!”


  “You can blame yourself as much as you want; it won’t change a thing.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Jill please stop apologising, look it’s dangerous out there, I’ve had experience facing those things head on, David is army, we can handle this. Look I know you too can handle yourself but we are going into the unknown here, we have no idea what it is we may see or face whilst out there, it would be unfair to throw you into such a situation when you’ve not built yourself up to fighting those things hand to hand just yet. Besides we need someone to keep this place safe for when we are gone.”

  “David taught me how to shoot, I can handle myself!”

  “Knowing how to shoot is one thing but having one of those flesh ea
ters on top of you, inches away from taking a chunk out of your throat is another. Besides, silence is key we only use bullets in a needs be situation. Until you’re able to master a certain type of melee weapon its best you stay on guard and pick off any flesh eaters from afar.”

  “Fine, but you can’t keep me caged up forever!”

  “My attention is not to keep you locked away but to keep you alive!”


  “No, don’t Peter me. It’s a risk going out there, I almost died more than once just bringing back supplies, its brutal out there!”

  “I know what it’s like!”

  “Jill, I can’t make you do anything but please I’m begging you, don’t put yourself at risk. We need you here.”

  “You don’t want to put me at risk but you’ll put yourself and David at risk?”

  “We can handle it!”

  “So can I!”

  “Aw shut up you lot!”

  “David, you got the guns?”

  “Obviously Peter, these aren’t broom sticks!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t look correctly; I was distracted telling Jill that she’s best off staying here keeping guard. Don’t you agree?”

  “David don’t you start taking sides now!”

  “As much as I dislike the both of you right now, I’ve got to agree with Peter. End of the day, I have no idea what we are going to be walking into and I need someone who can handle a tricky situation and I know he can. You, I’m not too sure.”

  “It’s settled then, two outweigh one. You’re staying on guard duty till we get back!”