The Northern Slayer Page 12
David retakes control, “That’s correct, as mentioned we came across a backpacker originally, Martin is his name. As mentioned he led us to the school, some stuff happened, his family was killed. Which affected us all; there was a small child involved.”
The mood sinks, silence sets in amongst the settlement.
“After we came established, we came across two other survivors who we invited in, Jill and Mark. Time passed, we did a full breakdown of our inventory which included supplies and got it organised. Afterwards, Peter here went out to gather further supplies solo, the hard case tuck out multiple flesh eaters on the journey. He came back with a list of stuff such as, camping equipment, sleeping bags and etc. He also brought back a dumpster which we modified into a water tank. Well Martin modified it, he’s the brains.”
“Impressive!” Bellows Janice.
“You forgot to mention we have a vehicle, which is situated not far from here.”
“Thanks Peter, he’s right we do and I’m sure all of us lot can squeeze in. Getting back to what I was saying, Jill is currently keeping guard whereas the other two is complicated?”
“What do you mean complicated?” Snaps Alex.
“Martin, who’s our brains, became extremely depressed after losing his partner and child, understandably. As you may have already guessed, Martin was currently situated here already, just feet away from our hold up spot in fact. He’s a local. But he didn’t originate from here, he has family from Sunderland. This Mark fellow, who we’ve had our disagreements over, is a pilot. He done some things, making him untrusted, we found out that Jill covered for him, he left someone else to die as bait essentially just before we came across the pair. Peter here confronted him last night after Jill opened up to him in regards to Marks actions; Mark guessing he’s cover story was up, targeted Martin. Martin recently approached Mark in relation to a nearby airport previously; he wanted to head back to Sunderland which is completely over run as you’ll know by the sound of your voices! To see if he has any remaining family members still out there. We woke up this morning to find a note stating him and Mark had left to commandeer a helicopter or what have you and were making their way to Sunderland. We suspect Mark knowing he’s time was up has taken advantage of Martins frame of mind as an escape goat. Our concern is, did he make it to the airfield or has the bastard abandoned him in Sunderland. We were just about to head out in search of an answer that is when we saw your helicopter.”
“That sounds complicated!” says Bill.
“Sounds like Martin may be a lost cause!” Says Derick.
I snapped, “Martin is our friend, we take care of our friends! If you lot want to join us you’ll respect that. Once we’re done here I’m heading off to the airfield, that lost cause you refer to saved mine and David’s life. If he didn’t we wouldn’t have been here to save yours, we owe him!”
“Let’s just take it down a notch.” Snares Bill.
David asks, “The choice is yours, but will you join us?”
“Of course!” shouts Janice.
“I thought we would have least thought about it?” Bloats Derick.
Alex says, “Peter, I respect your views, after all what else do we have unless from each other now. I may be able to help; I can pretty much fly anything. Say you find an aircraft at this port. Come back, maybe we can write up a course of action then we can go and find your friend!”
“You’d do that?”
“You’re putting a roof over our heads, giving us a place to heal, away from the reaches of flesh eaters. You guys saved our life’s, as you say Martin saved you and David. Then you saved us, so as far as I see it, we owe him as you said.”
“Count me in!” Blared Janice.
Bill says, “Hey Captain, lead the way!”
“Right guys, you have five minutes to rest up before we head out, me and Peter will take watch.”
The others disburse, forming their own little groups, taking time out to break into their ration packs.
David turned to me and said, “Nice work, once we get back and show our guests around, we’ll concentrate on finding Martin okay?”
Me being me had another idea, I always was a sucker to loyalty, “There won’t be enough room in the car for all of us and the gear, I know you said there would be but I doubt it.”
“You’re heading to the airfield right now aren’t you?”
“I am, I’ll wait till those guys are ready to head out then I’m going!”
“You are coming back aren’t you? Alex said he’d fly you. How about you do what you need to do, give us time to head back and get sorted. You come back, tell us what you found. We have a rest day and then we head out first thing tomorrow with backup on our side and a means of transportation.”
“I don’t know I just hope he’s alive! I just wish I told you last night that way this whole situation could have been avoided.”
“It’s not your fault, look I’m sorry for having a go earlier, I’ll tell Jill the same when I get back. I was angry and I crossed the line. Look if he’s alive, which I’m sure he is. We’ll find him and bring him back. If we ever find Mark, I’ll leave him to you!”
“Thank you!”
Five minutes of silence passed, Bill’s voice breaks the background noise, “We’re ready to get out of this shit hole to somewhere half decent when you are!”
“That’s my que!”
David whacks me across my shoulder with one of his famous shovels whilst retrieving a communication device with the other from his waist line, “Look after yourself, get me on this if you find yourself in a spot of trouble, I’ll see you soon mate!”
“Thank you!”
To be continued…..
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With special thanks to Sasbooks, cover designer/producer.
It’s follow up Northern Slayer, Lost And Found is coming soon.
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Other available books:
Scarred Land.
Many Thanks,
A.L Crawford