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The Northern Slayer Page 4

  “Keep it down!” I whimpered.

  “Sorry, it’s just hard to digest.”

  David says, “Our main priority now is to fortify this place the best we can! Then we can focus on other priorities!”

  “Mark nods in response.

  “What about you guys?” David says.

  “I’m Mark Hig, 31. I’m a pilot for a massive air firm, well was. Now I’m just trying to survive like everyone else.”

  “Okay, next!”

  “What about you Jill?” I pondered out loud.

  “My name is Jill Field, I’m 29 and I worked as a waitress. Impressive I know!”

  “So how did you guys meet? You said you were friends?” I questioned.

  “Some friend!” lets David.

  Mark frowns heavily.

  “I know him through a mutual friend; he was helping me with some D.I.Y around the apartment when one of those things wondered in thanks to the door not being fully closed, I manged to push it out. At first I didn’t understand what was going on, I tried calling 999 but the line was down. I switched on the T.V and seen the emergency broadcast. So yeah we just held up there until an opening emerged. ”

  David asks, “What about family and friends? That goes for you too Mark?”

  Jill says, “I’ve got nobody, unless from friends…do I need to go into it? Just I’d rather not ….”

  “You don’t need to explain, its fine honestly...” I snuck.

  “What about you skid Mark?”

  I sniggered; David had no care in the world. I loved his dry sense of humour.

  “That’s not nice!” snapped Jill.

  “Just ignore the skid” followed by another snigger.

  Mark unimpressed, face now red with embarrassment, “If you want us to stay, maybe change your attitude. For your information I’m divorced, my job was a major factor in that!”

  “If you say so.” Followed by a put on cough.


  Mark, “I’m not sharing no more in front of that, What about this Martin guy, what does he do or did should I say?”

  “He’s a Bin man, well was, he knows first aid and is the outdoorsy type. He also knows this area like the back of his hand, his knowledge is priceless. He’s the one who led us here! As you know he just lost his wife and child yesterday, everything is still rare. Its best we leave the introductions to later when it comes to Martin.” I said.

  David says, “How about we continue this inside, to avoid attracting the wrong type of visitor. That way we can get to know each other a little better over some food and get settled in, what do you say?”

  Jill replies, “Sounds good to me, by the way we’ve got some food supplies in the boot and spare clothes. We picked some bags up via one of those road blocks.”

  “Jill! That’s Mine, I mean ours…” Eyes rolling.

  David gave me a stare of ‘I told you so’ upon those words.

  Jill replies, “Mark, Stop it! What’s OURS! Is there’s and vice versa. Isn’t that right Peter?”

  “You heard her Mark.”

  Mark lets out a long lasting groan, “Okay let’s just get in already I’m starving.”

  “Sounds like a plan!” I scanned.

  “Lead the way David, but could someone help me bring in the bags? I can carry the clothing bags if someone could get the food from the boot?” Jill speaks.

  David whines, “Good, Peter could do with a change of clothes which you’ve probably noticed.”

  “David, shut up!”

  Jill, “No offence, but I think you should take his advice. I’m sure there’s something in there you can use.”

  David ignited with laughter, which was nice to see after everything that had happened even though it was at my expense!

  “Okay, I stink. Message received!” Followed by a laugh,

  “It’s David’s fault giving me this disgusting top!”

  “Don’t blame the top!” showed David.

  Jill now smiling brightly, “Come on who’s going to help bring in the bags!”

  Mark voices, “My hand hurts, maybe let Captain Goby over there bring them in.”

  “Watch it!”

  “He’s still recovering, I’ll bring them in, don’t worry.”

  We vastly grabbed the extra supplies, from the newly acquired deep blue ford focus, leather seats, private plate, well-kept unless from the recently added blood splatter along the front bumper thanks to David.

  “Who owns the ride?” As I close the boot behind me.

  “Mine and no you can’t use it!” Blares Mark.

  “Let’s get in already; quicker we can get sorted the quicker we can get back to securing this place.” David barked.

  Jill, “After you Peter!”

  Chapter: 13

  “This place is absolutely enormous inside, it’s so deceiving looking at it from the outside and there must be at least twenty rooms in here!”

  “There’s thirty seven in total Jill, excluding the canteen which is well stocked on backed beans and spam. There’s the odd tin of mixed fruit here and there, we should have enough to hold out for a couple of months considering there’s only a hand full of us unless of course we bring in more survivors. However that being said, I think we all need to come together in regards to making this place safe first before that’s even a thing.”

  “That makes sense Peter, we may have the room but it’s still a school at the moment, maybe we should consider going out there to find beds, mattresses and so on. It would beat sleeping on a cold floor with dirty dust sheets for blankets, which we’re clearly not going to be running out of any time soon from the looks of the place. Who knows maybe we can dismantle some of these tables and use them to reinforce the inner wall which you’ve already started, then possibly create a couple look out stations on the roof, gun towers. Talking about guns you seem to have a fair supply and aren’t a bad shot.”

  “Yeah that’s the plan I think, talking about guns, I think I’ve picked it up quickly however I did play a lot of shootie up games so that may be why. Anyways as I was saying, once this place is locked down, towers built we may be able to start making this a home for the time being, then maybe progress to creating back up sanctuaries, but that would be a long term thing. But I think we’ll get rescued well before then!”

  “Do you really think we’ll get rescued? You heard David, the army is gone, there’s no one left!”

  “I think we should never give up hope, I mean this is bad for sure but we as a race have gotten through worse in the past. Someone somewhere will make a cure; it’s just a matter of time, we will prevail!”

  “As much as I’d love that to happen I just can’t see it, this virus or whatever it is has already destroyed society in a matter of days, majority of the population is infected. I watched the broadcasts, this thing is everywhere! I think we just need to focus on what we can do to stay alive; I think getting rescued is a bit of a pipedream.”

  “We will see, anyways this room number five shall be your residence for the time being, It’s defiantly no five star hotel due to the wall paper and paint hanging from the walls, accompanied by dozens of tables and chairs but I’m sure you’ll make the best of it. Look you’ve got a clear view of the gate thanks to your single glazed, semi wind proof window, talk about views!”

  “Shut up” followed by a round of laughter.

  “How are you so upbeat?”

  “It’s either that or tears!”

  “Do you have anyone, I mean did?”

  “I have/had a partner but I’ve got no clue what happened to her, I don’t know if she made it out to a sanctuary and moved on or what. So I don’t know, with the way things are I don’t know if I’d ever find out!”

  “That’s sad, everything’s so fucked up!”

  “Yeah we…..”

  Crash! The wooden door whacks against the stone wall, “Have you seen the state of this place, I’ve got rats in my room! How am I expected to live under these conditions?”
r />   I remember staring at him with such embarrassment, ‘He’s going to be hard work’ I thought.

  A tomato red Mark speaks out, “Sorry I didn’t know you were here… .What’s your name again?”

  “His name is Peter!”

  “Alright calm down, I’m only asking.”

  I replied, “If there’s a problem with your room you could always move to another or sleep outside if you prefer?”

  “Hmm, I’ll have a nosey in a short while. See if I can find anything but bloody stationary equipment, tables, chairs and worst of all dust sheets! I’ve got sensitive skin ill come out in a rash!”

  “Well your more than welcome to loot some nearby houses for duvets, if you do, you can bring us some back also!”

  “On second thoughts, I’ll stick with the dust sheets!”

  “Thought so, I’m going to head off now to help David set up. We’ll meet you in the canteen in say about an hour, give you guys some time to settle in. Oh and by the way thanks for the fresh white top, blue hoodie, black jeans and black trainers. It feels good wearing something that actually fits, they’re better than those damp invested clothes!”

  “That was a mouth full!”

  “Mark, tone it down.”

  “Okay, okay your welcome!”

  “Thanks Jill…”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Thank you Mark!”

  “We’ll see you soon, and thanks again for letting us stay!”

  “You are most welcome; I’ll see you guys soon!”

  Chapter: 14

  “What were you guys talking about before I interrupted you? Was it about me? Just everything seemed awkward when I entered…”

  “It’s not all about you Mark! I was just getting to know the guy after all we’re goanna be here for a while by the looks of things. It wouldn’t hurt to make an effort!”

  “So what were you talking about?”

  “What’s with all the questions?”

  “You have a thing for him don’t you?”

  “Of course not, I’ve just met the man and his got a girlfriend!”

  “Really, just I don’t see any girlfriend?!”

  “Mark drop it, your such a dick! This is why we never dated!”

  “No I’m not; I’m just concerned for you. I don’t want you getting mixed up with the wrong sort.”

  “I think that’s a little too late don’t you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You talk about being concerned, you left me! That thing almost killed me, as I remember it weren’t you who came to help, it was Peter and David. Without them I would have been killed. Even after all of that I still defended you so you wouldn’t get kicked out! What happened to you Mark? You used to have a code, suddenly the world falls apart and you turn into something worse than those things out there!”

  “That’s not fair Jill, I told you why. I was scared right! I wanted to help but I couldn’t, I froze up!”

  “Okay, just how you froze at the apartment block?”

  “Jill, let’s not go into this.”

  “Those things were on our arse! Toni tripped and twisted her ankle; she cried out to you….I saw what happened.”

  “Shut up!”

  “You used her as bait, you could have gone back for her but instead you left her! When I tried you bloody stopped me.”

  “It was too late for her! If I’d let you go back or if I did we would have been lunch!”

  “There was time Mark, there was bloody time!”

  “Shush… keep it down!”

  “She was our friend, she introduced us. You left her and she trusted you…”

  “I fucked up okay, Just how I fucked up at the car, I’m sorry.”

  Jill now shaking with anger heads towards the door, “I want you to leave, now!”

  “Jill, please don’t tell the others. I won’t last five minutes out there. You’d be killing me if you told them…”

  Mark now at the exit, less than a foot away, “Jill...”

  “If anyone gets hurt or worse because of you we’re done, I need to be away from you.”

  “Thank you, thank you and thank you I promise I won’t!”

  “Goodbye Mark…”

  Chapter: 15

  “Work you piece of junk work!” Followed by a deafening clash of metal on metal as Martin smashes his solid steel wrench hard against the emergency backup generator.

  “Fuck!” He throws it across the room, just narrowly missing the generator room’s window, landing behind a pile of boxes just left of it.

  Martin collapses to his knees, the built up anger is just eating him up in side and his frustration is pouring.

  He whimpers to oneself, “What am I meant to do damn it… My daughter…My wife….I’ve got nothing left…”

  After a moment of tears he erupts, “I should have been there! It’s my fucking fault…..if only I just stayed in like she asked, then they’d still be alive but no I had to be bloody selfish, I needed me time… ”


  Martin in full rage jumps to his feet and starts laying into the nearest wall, knuckles swollen, blood splatters. He hits it harder and harder, their faces rest in his mind’s eye, he only sees the pain, the sorrow, he hits some more and more, knuckles breaking. He screams at the top of his lungs, “IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT THEM! ME!”


  His anger finally depletes, energy gone, only pain… He falls crying constantly, unable to move forward.

  Twenty minutes or so pass, he takes in a deep breath and exhales whilst counting to five, he does this another six or seven times.

  Once composed, now grounded, he heads over towards the boxes to retrieve the wrench. He’s determined to get that thing working; it’s the only thing stopping him going mad. He needs to keep busy.

  As he looks behind the boxes, in hunt of his wrench he spots a well-hidden but huge fuel drum further left from where it landed, half covered via boxes and junk.

  He is over come with laughter, “Why didn’t I check the bloody fuel gage?”


  He thinks to himself, ‘That bloody explains it, Jessie was right, I never did pay enough attention and always ended up missing the most obvious, Jessie I wish you were here… just to say I told you so..’

  “Right let’s see if this has any juice left init.”

  He reproaches the once hidden drum; both badly battered hands now rest on its rim, “Here goes nothing.”

  He gives it a good old hoof, it barely moves. Its contents splash against the upper lid.

  “Get in!” To his delight, the drum is filled to the rim. He knows better than anyone that they’ll have enough to last the month hence the celebration.

  Fulfilment sets in!

  Martin wastes no time and swiftly links the generator up to the drum, after clearing away the excess.

  Once complete, he turns to it, sweet currently dripping from his brow.

  His contuse finger rests on the start button; he closes his eyes ‘God if you do exist please give me something man, please work!’

  “One…Two…Three…” He pushes down hard on the start button.

  The metal beast lets out an extravagant roar as it powers to life, lights flicker to existence!

  “Come on!”

  Chapter: 16

  “We’ve got power! Get in; fried spam is back on the menu!” David Blares, as the kitchen powers to life!

  “What just happened?” I roared

  “Bloody hell, you surprised me. To answer your question, I don’t have a scooby. I was just breaking down all of the tins into date order whilst completing a stock check just so we can keep an eye on supplies. Suddenly the lights and ovens just powered on!”

  “Did you press something?”

  “I swear this wasn’t me.”

  “Martin!” We both said, at the exact same time.

  David says, “He must have got that backup generator running, he has been spending some time in there recen
tly but I thought that was a no go. I couldn’t get it to work before.”

  After a gulp, “Well he’s going to get the biggest and best fried spam and beans his ever had!”

  “You’re obsessed!”

  “Hey you wanted me to cook, I’m cooking so don’t complain.”

  “Hey wait a second.”

  David questions, “What?”

  “Try that sink over there!”

  “Why? Everyone knows that’s off!”

  “I read somewhere, can’t remember now, that old schools like these in secluded areas used to have their own water tank’s for backups due to the piping system being pretty naff basically in rural areas.”

  “No way, that can’t be true.”

  “Try it!”

  “If you’re having me on I’ll get you back three times over Peter!”

  “David, just try it already!”

  “Eureka, I can’t believe it works. I’ll be having a wash down tonight, maybe give my scrubs a clean!”

  “We owe him big time!”

  “That list is getting bigger and bigger!” He bolts.

  “You okay making up a plate of that fried spam and beans then? I’ll take it too him, I want see how his holding up.”


  David wastes no time and does just that.

  “David, what do you think of our guests?”

  “I think that Jill is in cloud nine when it comes to Mark, but less from that she seems okay. But Mark, he’s the type that would leave your arse in a gun fight. I don’t trust him.”

  “Me either, when I was trying to get to know Jill a little better he came barging in like some big diva, moaning on about everything. It’s not like it’s the end of civilisation as we know it, we can’t just pick and choose how things are. I don’t like him, I think we’re goanna have our hands full with him.”

  “Have you still got you’re gun?”

  “Yeah…Why?” I answered.

  “Good, I trust you with it; just don’t let it out of your site. Regarding the rest of them, I placed them in a secure locker in my room; the key is stuck beneath the desk with graffiti on it. All of them are locked away; we have six pistols including mine and yours. Martins weapon is locked in there with the others, alongside two assault rifles and a tone of amination.”