The Northern Slayer Read online

Page 5

  “Shit, I forgot about Martins gun! How did you get it?”

  “It got left on the grass out front near that rucksack; he dropped it when you know what happened.”

  “That’s good, just with everything that’s happened recently!”

  The smell of frizzling meat hits my airs waves, mouth-watering, “Damn that smells good!”

  “I told you, anyways getting back to the guns, I think we need to keep them fully locked away until we get to know the others a little better, prior to that they’ll need training. Talk about training where did you learn to shoot?”

  I hesitantly replied, “Xbox one…”

  David pauses, “Maybe I should take that gun back after all!”

  “Shut up!” Followed by a laugh.

  “Are you being serious about the Xbox?”

  “Yup.” I answered.

  “You’re a natural, with a little guidance you’ll be one hell of a marksman I promise you that!”

  “Thanks David, I appreciate that. I want you to know that I’m completely behind you on the gun situation. Thanks for including me on this.”

  “Anytime!” He barked.

  “Is that bait ready yet, it smells ready?”

  “Yup here you go, try not to eat any along the way. Yours will be ready by the time you get back. Then we can delegate roles and get a plan in place.”

  “Sounds good to me captain, Ill head off now, are you okay to do a quick sweep of our perimeter before making the rest?”

  “Already planned to, I’ll see you soon peter, oh and let Martin know I’m asking over him, tell him I cooked that especially for him, so he has to eat it okay!”

  I smile on response, “Cya soon mate!”

  Chapter: 17

  ‘I better knock, instead of just barging in just in case’ I balanced the space shuttle like mountain of food on one hand, ‘boy is this heavy’ whilst I knocked with the other.

  “Who is it and what do you want?”

  “It’s me Peter, am I okay to come in? It’s just I’ve brought you a special delivery provided by the one we call David!”

  A monotone voice breaks through, “Come in…”

  On entrance I’m welcomed by a dilapidated withered Martin, pastel in complexion, hands badly swollen, smothered with red. Blood splatter and skin fragments coat the wall.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  I simultaneously place down the mountain, whilst rushing to his person.

  “Don’t touch me, I’m fine!”

  “Martin, I know you’re hurting but this is not your fault. You can’t blame yourself, self-harming won’t bring them back!”

  “You don’t understand what it’s like, I’m dealing with this the best I can. I just need to be left alone; it’s the only way I can get past this.”

  “Being alone isn’t helping you, can’t you see. But we can, if you keep pushing us away your goanna end up dead and that’s not what we want, we need you.”

  “Yes it is!”

  “No its bloody not, look at the state of you! Your hands are a mess, you are a mess! I can’t imagine the pain you have, but no one wants to see you this way. We care about you; here take this, you look like you could do with it. When’s the last time you had eaten?”

  “I am a mess okay! I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do now…I’ve lost my anchor…”

  “I know you have…”

  Martin bursts into tears, “Will you help me?”

  I jump to his aid, I held him in my arms like a child, a torn one, vulnerable and fearful, “You’ve got us and we’ve got you. We’ll get through this together! Just don’t give up on yourself okay!”

  Martin breaks down in my hold, his walls fall!

  “Everything’s going to be okay!”

  After ten minutes or so, the bereaved Martin rubes away his tears and lets ago of me, “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Mate, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  Martin lets out a giggle, on that smile my soul lifted. I knew then that I’d broken through that barrier, known as the mask.

  “Could you pass me the plate please?”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh my god, this tastes so good!” Martin grunts with a mouth full of spam and beans.

  “Thanks to you, we’re able to have hot meals! Due to that roaring beast over there!”

  I pause, giving him a chance to finish off his mouth full, “David made this especially to say thank you; he wanted you to know that. Martin we owe you so much! Without you, David may have bleed out, leaving me alone, I wouldn’t have survived I don’t think. You saved us!”

  “Come on.” he spits.

  “I mean it, we owe you big time.”

  “You owe me nothing!”

  I patted him on the back, “You know that’s not true!”

  We fist bump, “Argh, that bloody stings.” Martin cries.

  “We should do something about those knuckles.”

  “Pass me that cloth, the clean one beside that drum please.”

  “Sure, here you go.”


  Martin tears the cloth in two; he then takes each side and wraps one at a time around his bloated ends.

  “They’ll do for now, ill clean them properly later.”

  “How do you feel about coming to the canteen with me?”

  “Apart of me wants to bury my head under a dustsheet, but I know that won’t get me anywhere, I see that now. So count me in!”

  “Good man!”

  “Before we go, I think it would be a good idea to check the main water tank. It’s just a matter of finding it first; I just hope it’s not stored underground. In theory it should be located in the basement or loft like many of the houses in this area, but since this place doesn’t have a loft it’s got to be the basement, hopefully. Just to monitor the level, so then we can ration it accordingly as we need to start thinking long term. Saying that it’ll rain before we run out, I hope. It’s probably a good idea setting up some water buckets outside, maybe the roof? We need to think ahead, waste nothing. However if the worst was to happen such as not having enough water to last a day never mind a week, we could always head out and drain the tanks from local residences, but that won’t be without its risks.”

  “It certainly is, well let’s hope it’s not. If it is buried then we should just run the taps and fill any container we can get our hands on till it’s drained. Then store it in the canteen. That way we will be able to keep an eye on it. Also the buckets on the roof, certainly isn’t a bad idea, we could always build some sort of filter system/ water tank of our own for the collected water. We could even make outdoor shower systems, using rain water of course. It’s just a matter of going out there to scavenge the necessary supplies/material to do that as well as building it all of course. Which is where I hope you’d come into it.”

  “Sounds like a plan, when the time comes ill have that covered Peter!”

  “Err, there’s something which I need to talk to you about, something you need to know.”

  “What is it? Is it bad?”

  “No defiantly not bad!”


  “There are five of us now not three!”

  “What how?” He snaps, shock and anticipation shine through.

  “A couple hours ago now, we heard a car horn in the distance, just beside the old post office. There were two people in need of a helping hand, one being a woman named Jill, a waitress. Also a man named Mark, he’s a pilot. They’re friends; both came from an apartment block in kelso, Scotland.”

  Martin now gob smacked, “Go on!”

  “They were in a spot of bother as mentioned, well at least Jill was, a flesh eater had a hold of her but I manged to get to her on time. Whereas this Mark fella kind of left her, either way we’ve taken them in. We could use the numbers to help fortify this place. Even though we’re a little uncertain of this Mark fella, we decided to give him a chance. But just as a heads up,
I don’t think he can be trusted, he seems the type that would leave you behind to save his own skin.”

  “Bloody hell, so they’re here, now?”

  “They certainly are, they will be meeting us in the canteen shortly. In fact they’re probably already there now. So how do you feel about meeting some new faces?”

  “You mentioned that guy’s a pilot?”


  “I’ve got family in Sunderland! You Shields, there’s an old hanger just fifteen minutes away from here in the car and it was used as a gliders club. There are planes and helicopters there, with him being a pilot he could take us to those places. That way you can check in on family to see if they’re still around, maybe bring them back here where it’s safe, same with me.”

  “Wow, that’s uncanny.”

  “We should go right now!”

  “I don’t know mate, as much as I want my family to be alive and well I just can’t see it. David said that South Shields was gone, there’s no way anyone could be surviving down there. The place is completely over run. I think we should focus on fortifying this place, before venturing out. Going there now, could be a suicide trip!”

  “Maybe it is, but I’ve got to try.”

  “Martin, please don’t. What happens if you get there and they’re all gone?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I think everything is still a bit rare, we need to focus on us. Once we can secure this place, then maybe’s we head back home in search of loved ones. If we’re going to do this, we will need weapons and lots of them. Maybe even a small army. But as of now I think that should sit on the back burner, okay?”

  Martin clearly disproved of this, I could see it in his eyes that he just wanted to jump towards this lifeline no matter how faint it was. Yet he held back, “Okay, I’ll wait, for now!”

  “Good, how about we get you into some fresh clothes? Give you a clean down, our two newest members found a couple bags worth on the road, hence my new attire; I’m sure we can find you something. Afterwards we’ll go and say hello. Is that okay with you?”

  Martin now energised hollers, “What are we waiting for!”

  Chapter: 18

  “Jill, please drop this, otherwise David over there and the others will see that something is up.”

  “Fine, I’ll be civil with you but please don’t expect anything more!”

  “Thank you!”

  “What’s wrong with you two? I’ve seen sadder clowns! Has something happened? Minus the part him leaving you?” Wail’s an intrusive David.

  Mark shrieks, “It’s none of your business! But we’re fine. Aren’t we Jill?”

  “You heard him!”

  “There you go. How long till lunch? I’m starving!”

  “Calm down, why are you so on edge?” Picks David.

  “There’s nothing wrong with me!”

  “If you say so…”

  “How comes we’ve got electricity David? Didn’t the grid go off?” Asks Jill.

  Clash opens the door, “Why don’t you ask the man himself? This is Martin everybody, that’s Jill over there and Mark beside her!”


  “So you’re the mystery guy! It’s nice to meet you. Since we’re getting to know each other, I’d just like to take this moment to say sorry for your loss. We were told what happened; if you ever need anything just let me know.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that Jill.”

  “Mark, say hello!”

  “Hi Martin, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Martin asks, “Am I okay to take that seat beside you Mark?”


  “Right, I’ll leave you all to it; I’m just going to give David a hand finishing off lunch. Have fun!” I shouted.

  “I heard you’re a pilot! Is that true?”

  “Erm yeah….”

  “Do you know how to operate a helicopter?”

  “I’m a pilot… Of course I do.”

  “How do you t…”

  “Sorry for interrupting everybody, but Lunch is served!” I belted, bringing Martins and Marks conversation to a swift halt.

  My self and David brought out a banquet of fried Spam, baked beans with a bowl of mixed tinned fruit for afterwards.

  “That looks as good as it smells, I’m starving!” Shouts Mark.

  Jill, “Thank you so much.”

  “You are most welcome, now if you don’t mind I’m going to tuck into this myself!” My god it smelt divine!

  “Make that double.” Says David.

  Once lunch was over, introductions done, it was time to get to work.

  “Right guys, I hope everyone is feeling that bit better after that wonderful meal, with thanks to David.”

  Everyone thanked him as response.

  “Right, now that we have power and water, we need to think about rationing everything, that goes for food also which I know David has already started doing. We should only use the power when it’s needed; meaning all lights switched off well before bed. It’s a limited luxury now. It’s based on fuel, without it there’s no electric. So if we want the generator to keep going long term we’re going to need to gather some form of stockpile and keep it under lock down.”

  Martin answers, “I totally agree, as I mentioned to Peter before, the generator operates everything! It will also operate the water pump which gives us what we’ve all just drank. The system that pumps and filters the water from that pacific tank is run on electricity. The Pump will be operated by a motor, which will have a direct link to a main. The tank and generator was never meant to be a primary source, but a secondary which is limited, the main source of water would have been cut off here a long time ago, so whatever is left in the tank is just what’s left. I believe that tank to be in the basement, meaning if the electricity fails for whatever reason we may still be able to access its contents, not only that I should be able to monitor its capacity as it should have a reader on it, that way we will be able to ration the water correctly that way. Possible downside is, it could be underground, meaning there may be no way to tell. If that is the case as already suggested we should find every container we have and fill it, bleed that tank dry. Just if we did lose our power source for whatever reason then at least we know we won’t have to worry about accessing water, that’s if we were still dependant on it at that point. That being said we don’t know how much is in there, so for the time being please be conscious of that knowledge till it’s confirmed, which I’ll be going to do shortly.”

  Mark gasps, “What will we do if there’s hardly any water in the tank? We need water and fuel!”

  I responded, “Martin.”

  “First off, in regards to the fuel we have a single tank remaining which is almost full. That single tank should be enough to keep us going for at least a month, long as we aren’t wasteful. The more electrical sources we use the quicker that fuel will burn out.”

  “Fuck!” Mark moans.

  “Not to worry, this brings me onto my next and final point on the subject. Every house/local business in this area has backup generators and water tanks. Meaning long as we are willing to fight for it we shouldn’t run short of resources anytime soon! Saying that, in regards to water, we should think about setting up rain catching buckets for a short term solution. Long term we should seriously consider building a water system, we should place all of the buckets we can find in the centre of the roof, run tubbing from each and every one of them to one big pipe, which will be located on one side of this building. At the bottom of that pipe will be a filter between that and the tank. Meaning any water caught will automatically be filtered before hitting the storage tank. That storage tank will have a tap, so long as it rains, which it will, it’s Ford. Then we will be fine, we could potentially link that tank to a shower system elsewhere via tubing as well as the internal flushing systems such as toilets, or we could just make our own toilets. But as I say they can be long term goals, which I am more than able to muster.”

sp; “What did you say you did before this?” Asks a gobsmacked David.

  “I was a bin man, why?”

  “You were wasted!” Bays Jill.

  “Thank you!” Answers the now shy Martin.

  “So as I was saying, Martin will do his checks, then we will take things from there, pending the outcome. David, would you be able to finish off the stock checks in here?”

  David responds, “Of course, just to make you all aware. I will be in charge of food stuff, water if bottled and weaponry. If you need anything, you come to me for the time being. Once everyone is trained up accordingly which will happen in due course, then I’d happily issue everyone their own weapon, but not before. In regards to weapons, there are plenty of farms about so we may seek those buildings out for shotguns as well as any surviving live stock in the foreseeable future which we can bring here. We have the room, but that won’t be without risks so we’re all aware.”

  “That’s not a bad idea; I could build filter systems not only for milk that’s if we come across cows, but the water tank also.” Bursts Martin.

  “Right, moving on, would you Mark and Jill be able to strip down the remaining window boards, as well as break down some tables. Then use them to finish off fortifying the remaining inner walls? Once David has finished with his organisation work, I’m sure he will be out to help with that job in hand. Whereas you Martin, you just handle the water situation for now. Is everyone in agreement with that?”

  Everyone accepts their roles unless from one, “That sounds peachy and all, but where will you be when all of this is happening and who will be watching the gate exactly?” Pours Mark.

  “You and Jill will be able to keep an eye, every twenty minutes or so, take it in turns to check the perimeter. By that point If we are lucky; Martin will be on the roof setting up some buckets, that’s if we have any. There he will have full sight of the land.”

  “What happens if a line of flesh eaters come at us? Again where will you be in all of this?”

  David snaps, “There’s spades, hammers and bats out there, pick one up and aim for its head. You can use the fence as a barrier, if a load come through just come and get me okay!”