The Northern Slayer Read online

Page 7

  The flesh eaters must have heard the commotion inside and then entered via the back exit taking them by surprise. It would explain the level of bite marks on the now dead chefs. They didn’t stand a chance, if only they made sure that back door was closed, that being said they probably kept that open to let air pass in and out and forgot about it in the chaos. Poor gits didn’t stand a chance despite the level of knifes.

  There beneath the drying station of the pot wash sat a pile of surprisingly clean but well used mayonnaise buckets, stacked in rows of five, alongside a separate bucket that contained cleaning chemicals, gloves and a well-worn plastic hosepipe.

  Well half a hose pipe looked as if it may have been used to unblock the pipes or worse yet, toilets!

  But I didn’t care; I had everything I came for and more.

  “Yes!” I cried.

  I carried the buckets to the outside, before rushing back in with a couple in my hands. I speedily filled them up with as many tins of food I could get in them. There was plenty to go around; I thought ‘I’ve got more than I need, I’ll come back in the future with a team and empty it of its supplies then, right now food isn’t a major concern especially after finding those supplies back in camp and the extras I’ve just picked up on top of the ration packs.’

  Now back outside, area surprisingly still clear unless from the odd approaching flesh eater in the back ground. I gently close the backdoor behind me, stopping anymore piling in from this end for future references. That way cuts the level of risk for the next outing same goes for any passing survivors in need of a meal.

  I’m left with plenty of needed supplies but no ways of getting them all back in one go as expected, so as planned I rush over towards the nearest rubbish holder on wheels. To my astonishment, it was empty!

  I hotfoot idly, transfer my finding to the holder, then madly dashed to get my bike. Now back at the rubbish bins, I use the recently found hose pipe as a pulley rope between the bike and rubbish holder. Now attached, I jump onto my vessel, slowly but gradually start to peddle, if only the idea was as easy as the toeing. This was no easy task, but I kept pushing and pushing through the pain, no pain no gain.

  After a gruelling journey trek back to the car, I unmounted from my savour in the rough, detach the hose pipe from the bike and reattach it to the car.

  I wanted to keep a hold of this bike, it came in handy today and it’s faster than walking and quieter than a car. I defiantly don’t want to lose this, so I pick up the bike and place it inside of the container.

  Chapter: 21

  “I don’t think we should have let him go out alone, it’s dangerous out there. I should have gone with him!”

  “He’ll be fine Jill! He tuck care of the biter who nearly got you easy enough!”

  “No thanks to you!”

  Mark now huffed from the reply, walks away from Jill to continue with what David and Peter left off by removing the remaining boards and using them to reinforce the fence, creating an inner barrier.

  Whilst a concerned Jill kept going in and out of the old school, bringing an unused table with her per go. She would remove its legs and place each section into its own pile, ready for a moaning Mark to use.

  Every so often she’d check the main gate, in wait of Peter’s unforeseen arrival.

  Almost an hour passes, still no Peter, Mark now making fast work of the inner barrier, not much left to do. Thanks to Jill’s break down of tables, making his job a lot more smother.

  “He’s still not back I see!”

  “No he’s not, do you think we should maybe go out looking for him? Just he should have been back by now, it’ll be dark soon, he may have gotten trapped or something!”

  A collected David looks on, “Don’t worry, he’s one tough cookie.”

  Jill doesn’t share he’s confidence, “Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean something couldn’t have gone wrong.”

  David replies, “If it makes you feel any better, we can head out together in an hours’ time that’s if he’s still not back by then.”

  “Okay, but I want a gun, no way am I going out there again without one!”

  “But you’re not trained.”

  “Then train me.”

  “It’ll take more than an hour to make a marksman out of you.”

  “I don’t need to be a marksman, just show me how to reload a clip and how to fire; I’ll just aim for the head.”

  “Look, we don’t have bullets to waste right now, besides I just finished locking them away, it means going back in side.”

  “How about you show me how to use the one you’ve got attached to you waist or the rifle on your back? I don’t need to fire it, just show me the basics.”

  “You don’t give up do you?”

  “No I don’t!”

  “Fine, but you’re not getting a hold of my slayer just yet; I’ll start you off with the pistol.”

  “Slayer, what sort of name is that? Next you’ll be calling you’re self the southern slayer or should I say Northern due to location!”

  Jill now engulfed with laughter, David says, “Do you want to learn something or not?”

  “Okay, okay I was only messing!”

  “This here is the Glock 17; it’s a standard army issue side arm, with a magazine capacity of seventeen 9mm rounds. The effective firing range on this is 50 metres; which is a long way away. Not that I expect you to hit anything at that distance just yet.”

  “Defiantly not, now that I know what it is and capable of, how do I use it?”

  With post-hast, he empty’s the magazine of its contents and removes the single shell from the chamber before handing the Glock and the now empty magazine over.

  “I’m going to talk you through this step by step, so listen carefully and do as I say.”


  “That there is your magazine, there is a list of numbers going downwards, those numbers indicates the amount of bullets in the clip. Since you’re new, a good way to check to see you’re sliding the clip in correctly is to make sure the numbers are facing towards the back of the firearm. Also there’s a notch on the other side that notch needs to be facing the outer chamber. You just need to slip that clip into the Glock, remember the numbers and notch as a point of origin.”

  “Okay, numbers now faces towards the back of the pistol, notch facing the front, now I just need to slide it in.”

  “That’s right, there you go! Did you hear that click?”

  “Yeah, what was that?”

  “That’s just the magazine clipping into place thanks to that notch, which means it’s secure.”

  “I’m guessing that means it won’t just fall out?”

  David sniggers, “That’s correct, now to release it. See that small button just beside the trigger? I need you to press it.”

  “Is it that there?”

  “That’s correct; I just need you to push it.”

  On the push of the button the magazine comes sliding out onto the ground, just missing Jill’s slender fingers. She quickly retrieves it.”

  “Yeah, it doesn’t hold back. Just get ready to catch it, try not to lose your clips. Don’t just leave it on the floor like what they do in the movies. We can reload that with more 9mm bullets. It’s always best to keep a hold of a second clip, so if you’re in some sort of fire fight, or in our case, keeping a horde of flesh eaters at bay you can just quickly exchange the clip. Then place the empty one in your side pocket ready to be reloaded later.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for that. I didn’t realise there was so much to it, does Peter and the others know all of this?”


  “What! So Peter has gone out there with whatever’s left in his gun not knowing how to change the clip. That means he’s probably not carrying a second?”

  “No he is, I handed him one before he headed out. That being said he does know how to reload, not that long ago, we came under attack by a group of flesh eaters, I gave him a quick breakdown on how to reloa
d, in fact I’m positive I seen him reload his weapon. Since then he must have only fired it on two occasions. Meaning he should have a decent amount of rounds in the clip and a loaded spare.”

  “What if he’s out of bullets? He could be in serious trouble!”

  “Don’t worry about Peter. As I said before if he’s not back soon, we’ll head out. That being said, he’ll have his bat. Peter is smart; I’ve seen him in action. He’ll use the bat. The only time he will pull out that gun is if it’s a last resort. Try not to worry.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just he was the one that stopped that thing taking a bite out of me before when you found us. I feel like I owe him.”

  “Come on let’s get back to this.”


  “Right, now that you know how to reload a clip it’s important to know if the gun is still loaded. Just because the clip is empty it doesn’t mean there isn’t a bullet in the chamber. The only way you can tell, besides pulling the trigger which you should never do unless you need to, is to pull the slide backwards that is located at the top of the chamber. If there’s a round in the chamber, it will now reject it from the injection port just beside the slide. Can you see it?”

  “Yeah, I think I know what you mean.”

  “Try it; make sure you have a firm grip of the pistol before you do.”


  Jill firstly gripped it by the handle and then followed David’s instructions to the very letter.

  “See, its empty at the moment but if there was a round in there you would have seen it by now. I think you’re picking this up much faster than first thought, you’re a natural.”

  “I’m not sure about that, just yet.”

  “Moving on, now that you’ve slid back the chamber releasing any potential bullets, there’s a way of keeping that top section slide right back in a fixed position. Firstly you slide it back then see this little button above the trigger?”

  “I see it.”

  “You need to flip it upwards.”


  “Now remove your hand.”

  “Oh okay, so that keep it in place.

  “That’s correct, so if you wanted to load that port now, the same port which the bullet rejects from, with an actual bullet you could, once reloaded you just need to pull that switch downwards, releasing the lock which would now automatically load the chamber. If you were to aim and squeeze the trigger, it would fire. If you were to load the gun with a fresh clip, once loaded you would just slide that top section backwards; as a result a bullet will leave the clip and enter the chamber. Every time you fire the weapon, that top section will automatically slide backwards sending another bullet into the chamber, ready to be fired. It will continue to do that till it is empty, once empty you’d just reload the clip and start again.”

  “I understand.”

  “Brilliant, you officially know how to reload a Glock!”

  “Thanks for teaching me this stuff.”

  “It’s not over yet, if you want to reload the actual clip, you need to slide that notch on the clip which I showed you earlier, downwards whist clipping in each individual bullet.”

  “Okay, then what?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Oh, that’s easy!”

  “I just need to inform you of the safety; unlike your other side harms this doesn’t have a simple slide down safety button that you have to slide before you can pull the trigger. There’s a thing I’m about to clue you up on called the safe action system which is different to a bog standard sidearm.”

  “This is so not like the films!”

  “First off, the gun won’t fire unless you want to fire it. You are the first step of gun safety. You only use this to protect yourself or others, depending on the situation. In regards to the Glock’s actual safety measures, it will never go off no matter what unless you squeeze that trigger. See that little silver lever on the trigger, without you pressing that when you go to squeeze the trigger it won’t go off. That is a safety measure; you can kick it, throw it about, anything, it won’t fire unlike other firearms that don’t have this system, which is the first part of three, that lever is linked to your pin and drop safety, so the only physical way a bullet can leave that gun is if you intended it to.”

  “I understand, this gun doesn’t have a physical safety clip then, or anything in fact. I am the safety clip; basically don’t use it unless I have no choice. It seemed pointless when you mentioned the first part of that system; I was expecting something instead of a clip. But it’s something else entirely; now that you’ve explained why that silver lever is there as in its actual purpose it makes perfect sense. This system protects you from the actual gun going off by accident, so say if I had another gun, I forgot to put the safety switch on, say I drop it. That gun could potentially still go off, that stray bullet could kill an innocent including myself. But that can’t happen with the Glock due to this safe action system. It prevents accidental firing. Say I could have this on my waist, I don’t have to worry about it going off in case I fall on it and etc?”

  “I’m glad you’ve picked up my meaning, I’ve seen people left completely confused when mentioning it in the past.”

  “I have a good teacher.”

  “Thank you, now that you know everything you need to know about the gun, unless from the cleaning that involves taking it apart, which I won’t go into just yet as it’s not a current priority due to me servicing it earlier. I’ll keep that section of gun training for a group show me, tell me class. I just need to show you how to aim and that’s it!”

  “Good, just I don’t think I’d be able to consume that on top of everything else at the moment.”

  “That’s fine, okay I’m not going to give you any bullets yet, as I don’t want any fired inside the compound unless it’s a need be thing and this isn’t. We can’t risk it, it would drive nearby flesh eaters to our location and we don’t want that.”

  “No we certainly do not!”

  “Exactly, right see that doorknob on the school entrance?”


  “Raise your gun and aim for it.”

  Jill raises the Glock with one arm, stands sideways; one eye closed then pulls the trigger. David sniggers as a result.

  “I’m sorry for laughing, but you’ve seen too many films, even a marksman would find making that shot difficult.”

  “Sorry, I thought that was the correct way to fire.”

  “When Peter shot down that flesh eater, the one that almost got you, how was he holding the gun, can you remember?”

  “Not really, I was too busy trying not to be eaten!”

  David laughs some more, “Hey it’s not funny!” Blares Jill.

  “No.. No its not, I’m sorry I was laughing at the way you said it, not what happened.”

  “Good, I hope not!”

  “You need to stand with both legs together ideally, both hands on your sidearm, which is to be raised to chin level. Point it straight ahead, at arm’s reach. Instead of looking down the barrel of the gun to line it up, I want you to just focus on your target, not the gun but the target. Your arms should follow suit, just as if you were driving a car. Once you’ve locked on to the target with your eyes not your gun, gently squeeze the trigger.”

  “Wow. That feels so much better than the gangster aim.”

  “It is isn’t it? That’s because your body is in the correct position, including the gun. Your body goes where your eyes go, if you just looked at the gun, it wouldn’t be fully accurate, as your aiming at wherever the gun is aiming at.”

  “No it really does, I feel a lot more relaxed!”

  “Brilliant, then here you go, whatever you do don’t fire that thing in here okay!”

  David hands over a hand full of bullets.

  “Thank you, I won’t let you down!”

  “I know you won’t, when you’re out there and one of those things come at you, the most important thing to do is to relax. Don’t panic, fill
your brain with solutions, then you’ll own the situation. Don’t let fear own you, you own it.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good, then well done you’ve completed my version of basic gun training, without even firing a bullet! Congratulations!”

  “Hey what’s going on? How come she gets a gun and I don’t?” Mark shouts, as he approaches the two.

  “She’s trained that’s why!”

  “Then train me too, if she gets a gun then I should get a gun!”

  David replies, “Mark she’s concerned about Peter, if he’s not back within the next half hour we’re going out in search of him. That’s why she has a gun and that’s why I gave her basic training on its use. So unless you’d like to join us on our outing then I won’t even consider it.”

  “You’re seriously considering going out there for the guy?” He asks Jill.

  “Yes, yes I am. Are you coming?”

  Mark, “No way am I going out there… Er… Besides I still need to finishing off the fences, which is important right?!”

  “Yes it is, but so is Peter.” Says David.

  “I still want to learn how to use one of those things for self-defence.”

  “That’s not goanna happen Mark, not yet anyways. There’s plenty of objects around which can be used to take those things down, so in the mean time they will have to do.”

  “Fuck this!”

  Mark trails off with his tail between his legs.

  Jill says, “To be fair, even if he wanted to come with us, I wouldn’t trust him with a gun!”

  “Is there something I should know?”

  Jill hesitates for a moment, words almost spill.

  “Erm..No. Just his got a really bad aim, he’d end up wasting a tone of bullets. We shouldn’t waist them.”

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else?”

  “I’m sure, anyways how did the stock check go, what are we like for supplies?”

  “It tuck me a while, but it was worth it. It never hurts to be organised, in regards to food stuff. We have a fast supply of baked beans, spam and tinned fruit. Enough to last us at least three months, that’s three meals per day split between five people, I found more tins stashed in one of the dry cupboards. However if we take in other survivors, then we’ll consume more food, so we should play it by here. I do believe we should still gather as many supplies possible when able; it doesn’t hurt to have a stock pile.”