The Northern Slayer Page 8
“End of the day if we find survivors then the right thing would be to let them in, provide protection as long as they’re not bitten of course. The last thing we need is to let one of those things in here. We can’t put the group at risk.” Argues Jill.
“I agree, but when it comes to infected/bitten people I’ve had a change in heart after what happened to Martin. I think we should provide care up to an extent, I mean what if it was one of our own that was infected. I couldn’t just throw them out amongst the infected. At first, when Martins wife got bitten I knew we had to deal with it, as in put her down right there and then, or at least keep an eye on her for when the time came. So when she did turn we could handle it. But after sleeping on it and realising how it would have affected Martin if I was to just take care of the situation without considering his feelings was putrid. It opened my eyes, to how heartless I was to think that. We need to present the bitten person with a choice and let them decide, that being said we should build a quarantine zone. So say you got bitten, we could keep you in a safe area away from harm, making you feel as comfortable as possible for your passing, which is the humane thing to do. You’d be kept under lock and key with a guard present at all times till the time came. As long as someone is human, we need to treat them that way. I became that overwhelmed with the horror of reality, that I stopped seeing the bitten as human beings out of fear! We should provide care and support right up till the end, we can handle it. Long as it’s controlled we shouldn’t have any issues.”
“Your right, I shouldn’t have been so heartless, if that was me who was bitten id be scared, I don’t know what I’d do if you guys turned me away. I mean, I wouldn’t like that to happen to me, but if I was placed in a safe place away from harm or causing it. There I’d be able to spend my final moments with friends and loved ones alike and pass in a safe way. That would indeed out trump being thrown out as bait any day. I’m sorry, I was wrong to say what I just said, we need to look after one another.”
“Hey I was wrong too at first, we think like that out of fear, but long as we have a means to control it then that’s what we should do. Jill, there’s nothing to apologise for, I’ve got your back.”
Chapter: 22
“What are we like on weapons?”
David responds, “We have 6 pistols in total and two assault rifles, which include these weapons here and Peters Glock. In the way of ammunition, there are over five boxes of 30, 9mm bullets, several full clips; each gun also has a full clip inserted, alongside 8 clips of 7.65*51mm for the rifles.”
“We have more than enough to take out a small horde and then some, that’s if every bullet counted as a kill. Then again we have plenty of blunt objects around, such as hammers, spades and bats.”
“We have a fair amount, but we don’t know what it is the future has in store for us, those rounds won’t last forever. We need to conserve all ammo, only use it in a needs be situation. Otherwise use a bat or what have you.”
“That’s true.” Answers Jill.
“What are you guys talking about now?”
“Hey Martin, David I’ll leave you to it. I’m just going to help Mark over there finish off the last of the boarding to stop him moaning. Let me know when you’re ready to head out.”
“Will do!”
Martin questions, “Did I interrupt something and what did she mean by head out?”
“We were just talking about heading out to find Peter if he’s not back soon. Also supplies, mentioning that, what’s the water situation looking like, please tell me its good news?”
“That’s not a bad idea, I too am beginning to worry about the guy, I just hope he’s okay. Maybe we shouldn’t have let him head out alone. In the future we travel in packs of two, just to be on the safe side!”
“I can help with the search if you like?”
“It’s okay anyways we need someone to keep an eye on this place. Between me and you I don’t know if we can trust Mark, there’s something Jill and him are hiding from us. I can see it in their eyes.”
“Are you sure you’re not just being paranoid?”
“I’m sure, anyways the water?”
“Oh sorry, I managed to locate the tank. Luckily it’s not buried underground, there’s a hatch in one of the far rooms, besides the generator room, that leads you onto the lower level. The rooms door is made up of metal you can’t miss it.”
“I’ll check it out later, I don’t think I’ve came across it yet, anyways how’s the tank looking?”
“It’s looking great, I checked it over, it seems the main water supply that ran to it was defiantly turned off a while back, the main pipe had been disconnected, must have been when this place was closed. However the tanks contents weren’t touched, it’s full and it’s a big bloody tank! Luckily for us we have the generator up and running, I say that because that tank has been sitting there for a while, meaning the contents may be tainted, that pump will filter any impurities. That’s the good news; bad news is, if we do lose the generator which I’m sure we won’t as that will certainly be an upkeep priority. We’d lose our means to filter it properly, not without making our own system as well as being able to boil it to be on the safe side, but that would mean making a fire. So until our walls are completely bomb proof, I wouldn’t risk it. Just we may attract a horde.”
“How long should the water last?”
“I done my calculations already, long as we don’t bring in any other survivors that is, we should have enough to last us at least three months. But that means taking it easy with the showering/body washing, maybe we should just use any gathered rain water for that, same with the toilet facility’s. When you guys were talking over here before I manged to come across a stupid amount of cleaning buckets, some not even taken out of their boxes, I’ve placed them on the roof for the time being, I’ve just stacked them on top of one another, after removing the bottoms of each one unless from the bottom bucket of course, later when we find piping and something to store it all in. I’ll be able to finish that, meaning we are half way to having a fresh supply of water; we just need to wait for it to rain. At the moment we could always purify the rain water for drinking in the kitchen, which we might have to do, especially if it’s been sitting up there for days or weeks. When everyone is together I’ll do a full brief on it.”
“That’s brilliant news, you’re all over this! You mentioned the fortification before. I was going to say, Mark and Jill have almost finished with the inside as you can probably see, I was thinking maybe we could gather some industrial sized wooden/metal sheeting, which can then go around what we’ve already done as well as do an outer later, but with spikes, just to stop any of those things getting anywhere near us. That way, we can build a bridge of some sort between the two sheeting’s, making a path. Maybes have two people on guard at any given time, arm them with spears, we have plenty of knifes and duck tap as well as broom sticks. So it’s viable. Also give them a firearm, just in case, as well as build a spot tower on that roof besides the water buckets. Which leads me to the following question, is there any place that may have what I’ve just mentioned?”
“It’s a great plan, in fact there is this one place not far from here.”
“Where is it and what is it?”
“There’s a small airfield just five miles away, its well-hidden, you have to take a back road to get to it.”
“What! Was it in use before this?”
“It had the odd helicopter and plane; it was used primly as a gliders club.”
“Fuck, we need to get there and gather what we need, we could strip down the hangers and use those gigantic sheets to fortify this place, this place will be a fort, not only that! It’s important that we bring back any given aircrafts, if there’s a helicopter there; we need to bring it back ASAP! We could do with a set of wings!”
“Sorry I should have mentioned it to you before.”
“It’s okay; you’ve had a lo
t on. But Martin, this will completely change our situation for the better, we could potentially head out to that Fort hill, yeah it’ll be overrun I’m sure, but we could still land there and gather a tone of supplies such as heavy weaponry and fuel, if we can secure a helicopter we will be in a very good place!”
“To think Mark over there is a pilot, I know you don’t trust him, but maybe all of this happened for a reason, we have a possible means of transport and now someone to fly it, we need him!”
“You’re right, we can’t risk him, he needs to stay here where it’s safe, the only time he leaves this place is when we are about to secure the chopper, even then he won’t be alone, that’s if it’s still there of course. If there are planes only, we won’t be able to bring them here, as there isn’t enough room, meaning we’d have to set up a look out to guard them at the airfield and block off all potential entrances. Problem is, we don’t have the bodies to do that just yet. So we need to keep a hanger standing, and lock away the crafts till needed.”
“Martin, help me get this thing open!”
Jill rushes over alongside Mark, who’s only concern is in the form of a car.
“What the hell, is he towing?”
“That’s perfect!” Shouts Martin.
Peter comes striding in at a speed of 15 miles per hour; the others stand in awe and confusion on the sight of a fully packed car with a dumpster in drag.
“Come on; now that he’s here help me close this thing!” Blares David.
David and Martin, waste no time securing the entrance.
A gob smacked Mark says, “My car, look at the state of it, it’s completely ruined!”
Jill says, “Shut up Mark, it’s not all about you!”
“I swear if things get back to normal I’ll be suing his arse!”
Jill Shouts, “Peter, where have you been and what happened out there, you had us all worried! Me and David were about to go out searching for you!”
“I told you he’d be okay!” Bellows a smug David.
“I ran into a couple flesh eaters whilst out but it weren’t nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Still Peter, next time no one leaves alone, we travel in pairs.” Says Martin.
“Maybe…Anyways I’ve brought goodies!”
Without haste, I reached back into the car and emptied its contents into a pile, as the others stood there with curiosity drawn across their faces.
“Here you’ll find enough beddings to see us all through, there’s roll mats to fold down beds, with thanks to Martins recommendation!”
Mark interrupts, “I’ve taxed the fold down bed!” Which I ignored,
“As I was saying, we have everything from bedding, weapons, emergency gear to tents. I’ve also got a selection of food stuff. I gathered a decent sized haul. If you guys don’t mind, am I able to leave this with you lot to sort? Just I’m in need of a clean down and rest! I’ll grab a few things myself before heading in.”
“Are you sure you’re okay Peter, is any of that blood yours?”
“It’s not Martin, I had a close encounter hence the splatter. Don’t worry I wasn’t bitten, I’m fine!”
“Thank goodness for that!” Exhales Jill.
“What’s with the dumpster?”
“That Mark, is our new water tank!”
“No way am I drinking from a stinking rubbish holder! No way mate, yes things are bad, but surly they aren’t that bad!”
“That’s perfect, it’s completely sealed, yes it’ll need a deep clean but that’s absolutely perfect. That thing will be able to hold at least a thousand litres if not more!”
“You’re welcome; I knew you’d appreciate this!”
“Do I!”
“OH MY GOD!” Shouts a disgusted Mark.
“Mark, don’t you see, we have something to store the rain water and Martin will be able to build a shower system and whatever else thanks to it!” Jill Barks.
“It’s a dumpster!”
“Look around you; if you have a better idea then please we’re all ears!”
“Okay, you made a point, but no way will you see me drinking from that thing!”
“Just leave it Jill” Sparks David.
“If you haven’t noticed, what’s that pulling it?” I interrupted.
“You legend!” Screams Martin.
“Keep it down guys, I know everyone is excited and all but we don’t need to draw any of those things here.” Says David.
“Sorry.” Whispers Martin.
It was a pleasant experience seeing everyone’s face light up, like kids around a Christmas tree, “It’s nice to see you manged to get the fence finished and to the looks of things you’ve already started with the buckets even though I thought we had none! How’s the water tank?”
“Everything is perfect, I sourced the tank and we should have more than enough to last us at least three months, we owe thanks to Jill and Mark for the fence, they did it without assistance!”
“Thanks’ guys, you’ve done a brilliant job! With you finishing off the barricade; no one can look in, giving us some cover and protection from the flesh eaters and whoever else. Also that’s brilliant Martin! Hopefully we can get underway making this place even more secure and habitable in the meantime.”
“Does that mean I get to take a fold down bed?”
Jill frowns, “Just take one already!”
“Thank you!” A selfish Mark gasps.
“Right guys, I hope you don’t mind but I’m grabbing a thick roll mate, one of those four season sleeping bags and I’m heading in! I’m in desperate need to get out of these clothes followed up with some rest as I’m exhausted!”
David says, “Get yourself in, you done good today! There’s some left over beans in the pan, so help yourself if you’re hungry.”
“Thanks David, I may just take that offer up, in the meantime I’m heading to bed so I’ll see you guys later, wake me up if there’s any problems. Oh almost forgot!”
I dived back into the car, where I then retrieved Bothy, “Almost!”
The others laugh in response.
Jill says, “I think you’re not the only one needing a clean by the looks of that thing!”
“You’re not wrong there, night all, wake me if you need anything.”
Chapter: 23
“Hey wake up!”
I groaned and turned instinctively, without realisation, still in my dream like slumber.
“Peter wake up!”
It comes apparent this is no dream; I rose up with great stress and panic.
“What is it? Is everyone okay? Have the flesh eaters gotten in?”
“Shh! Calm down, It’s me Jill and everything is fine.”
“Then why are you here? It’s in the middle of the night?”
I remember rubbing my eyes finely, taking away the tiredness.
“I need to speak with you, it’s urgent!”
“Can’t it wait till morning? Wait a second who’s on watch? Is it my turn or something?”
“No, it’s nothing like that. We all agreed to give you the night off just with everything you did for us today which we all appreciate may I add, after seeing the state of the bat and your clothing it came obvious it weren’t no easy task.”
“Thank you and it was worth the risk. After all we need to look out for each other now; I’ll do what I can for this group, so what is it that’s so important?”
“That’s the thing, I just finished my shift and I swapped with mark. After ten mins or so trying to get some sleep which I couldn’t. I decided to head back out and maybe look up to the stars, just to relax and help calm myself down so I’d be able to get some rest you know.”
“Okay… I’m sorry you couldn’t get some sleep but I really could do with some, not to be rude. But my body is aching everywhere.”
“I know and I’m sorry, it’s just I feel I can trust you. If I went to David he may react badly so I thought I
’d come to you considering your relationship with this person.”
“Jill what are you talking about?”
“As I was sitting outside, I overheard Mark talking to someone.”
“Now you’ve got my attention.”
“After quietly investigating, I released that person was Martin. I overheard them, Peter… Martin approached Mark with a proposition.”
“I think I know where this is going, please get to what was said.” I sighed.
“Martin mentioned something about heading out together, as in leave this place; he mentioned the possibility of taking a helicopter without anyone knowing. I think I heard him say… That he wanted a ride into Sunderland, so he could check in on family members to see if anyone was left alive! He mentioned that he needed to know what happened to them.”
“What did Mark say?”
“That’s the thing, I heard him say he wasn’t sure and that he’d get back to him.”
“So he didn’t say yes?”
“No, but…”
“What is it Jill?”
“I’m concerned for Martin; I know his reasons for wanting to go are pure especially after what happened to him. I also know he’s a vital person here who we can’t afford to lose. The thing is if they did leave and got into any form of trouble, Mark will not have his back. He’d leave him, without battering an eyelid. So if they do just decide to take off at some point, Martin would be placing his trust in the wrong person, putting himself at risk. Mark did something before, he made me keep it to myself but I don’t think I could live with myself if anything was to happen to Martin because of him.”
“What has he done?”
“We lied when we said there was just two of us leaving the apartment…There was a third named Toni, She was our friend, she was the one who introduced me and Mark in the first place.. I’m sorry I can’t…”